HHs are rubber blocks cut to the shape of a cow’s claw and are used to treat lame cows. When glued to the sole of the healthy claw they elevate the diseased claw off the ground. This means the diseased claw is no longer weight bearing when the cow is standing or walking.
This has the effect of reducing the pain felt by the cow to the point where they can start walking normally almost immediately. They stay on for on average 3-4 weeks which means they assist healing of the diseased claw in that time.
Hi. My Name is Graeme Hughes and thanks for looking at our Highheels website. I am a self-employed dairy cattle veterinarian based in Patea, Taranaki and have been working with dairy cows for most of my career. The reality is I developed Highheels out of frustration. As vets we see a lot of lame cows now a days and in all honesty, it is not a great job at the best of times. Yet the concept of lifting the diseased claw of the ground works very well. They help alleviate pain almost immediately and promote healing of the affected claw. Along with effective trimming putting on a block is one of the best things we can do in my opinion.
I felt though that the blocks on the market were all not without their issues and overall, not very user friendly. I thought there had to be a better way to do this and that started me tinkering and the rest is history as they say. Highheels are pretty much all I use now and that is because they make my life easier, its as simple as that. The website is self-explanatory with lots of videos and photos and if you have any questions please feel free to contact me. Thanks again.
Graeme Hughes BVSc
High Heels come as a pack of 6, with enough foam pads and glue.
Bulk orders of up to 100 are available.
High Heels are purchased directly through Vetfarm Limited and ongoing support is always available.
A full set of instructions and tips on applying High Heels is supplied in every box.
We have uploaded videos to You Tube and are in the process of getting a Facebook page up and running.