Inside cracks are one of the 5 most common conditions I repeatedly see that cause cows to be lame. They are the end result of a foot rot infection that causes a crack to form on the inside surface of the affected claw. They are also one of the more difficult conditions to treat because the crack is situated between the claws making access problematic. This cow was lame in the front left leg and from the photo you can see that the crack runs the entire length of the claw. Often these are complicated because an infection has set up in the soft tissue associated with the crack. In some instances granulation tissue that looks like a 'strawberry' can form in the crack.
Treatment involves trying to open up the crack as much as possible by trimming away any affected tissue. I use a Dremel tool to make this part of the job easier. A hh was used to relieve pain, get her walking normally quickly and promote healing. A course of anti-inflammatories and antibiotics was also prescribed.